We bridge the education gap
At Brainy Age Consult, it is our aim to bridge the gap in educational sector in the country  using a blend of real life learning, cross cultural awareness and interactive trainings that prepares the individual for diverse growth opportunities.
You can register your child for any of our educative programs and training.
Thanks for the prog. My kids really enjoyed it. Looking forward to having another educative session at BrainyAge Consult.
Mrs. Zakari
What we offer
What our satisfied clients are saying
I really appreciate the effort you put in the class. It was a wonderful session. I learned the six pillars of character which is: caring, trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, discipline and honesty. You should always remember to keep your body safe.
Busayo Allu
The Social Polishing and Leadership Skills class was educative and impactful, in my son’s voice ‘a super exciting, fulfilled training’. He’s been around with words like the golden rules (Do to others what you want to be done to you), when I call him, he says at your service and so on. Looking forward to the next one.
Dr. Lucy
My daughter had an awesome experience and she tends to be conscious of her attitude.
Thanks BAC
Mrs Agbaje
It was really a great experience for my children, they had fun, the most interesting aspect for us is that the program has made them to learn how to pronounce words correctly . Thanks for this great experience as we will be looking forward for another soon
Mrs Adoyi
Well done Brainy Age Consult for imparting positively on my child. I am happy my son was part of the training that took place on the 16th of April. You will never know how much your guidance has helped the children, but I wanted you to know BAC have made a huge difference to all our children and have directed them to trust themselves in all that they do, become all that they dream and boosting their confidence. Shane is already looking forward to taking the next training. Thanks
Mrs. Rebecca Allu
My daughter had fun. She was excited narrating what she learnt, well done and thank you.
Mrs Susan Enayi
Thanks to Brainy age consult, the children are happy with the program. God bless. Looking forward to more of this .Well-done
Mrs Akan
Thank you so much for time well spent with the kids. My girls came home and were very happy they attended. Well done to the Brainy Age Consult Team.
Mrs Zakari
Thanks for the prog. My kids really enjoyed it. Looking forward to having another educative session at Brainy age consult.